Thursday, August 17, 2006

It's All About Product Placement!

Ever since M&Ms passed up a chance to be featured in the movie E.T., product placement has been an important and annoying aspect of movie profits. A movie's coming out soon that makes fun of a fast food chain, and I hope the product placement worm has turned this time. Here's how it ought to work:

The movie producers go to the big fast food chains and explain they're making a movie that will savage the operations of a realistic-looking fast food empire. Which company will pay the most to name the chain? Let the auction begin ...
Burger King makes big bid for the name 'MickRonalds.” But McDonalds bids higher to name the chain “Burger Prince.” Then the two companies come to their senses and combine on a bid to call the chain “Bendy's Burgers.” Let the chips fall on someone else...

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