Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Semi-technical decisions: Two Ways:

(You'll find my piece about making decisions just below; now it's anecdote time...)

I worked for one manager who was superb at making decisions based on the very technical information his group gave him. It was instinctual with him, and I think he reacted to a sense of how his people felt, since he clearly could not understand the abstruse critical details. Yet I never saw him make a bad decision on a technical issue.

Another successful manager I know listens to his people’s technical discussions and then almost always leaves them to make the decision. The reason this works is that he has always been brilliant at selecting staff that he can trust this way. Many people will tell you that NATURALLY the best course is to leave the decisions to the techies, but that doesn’t work if they are Savant Idiots (a common malady among us techies).

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