Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Flavored coffee: Raisins.

This one is kind of strange, but it’s nice. Drop a tablespoon of raisins into your cup of coffee, and drink slowly so the raisins have time to absorb flavor. The raisins will add a soupçon of taste to the coffee, and they will sit politely in the bottom of the cup. When you finish drinking, you’ll have some nice coffee-flavored raisins to eat.


Linda said...

Your raisins in coffee is a great idea, as strange as it may sound. But even better, check out for a sensational and healthy treat; Flame raisins infused with 100% Kona coffee. Nothing like it on the market!

grumpyguy said...

I tried those java raps coffee raisins at a colorado farmers market, coffee raisins are pretty much the greatest snack.. I eat them in my oatmeal! I like the website too at!

Chad said...

Hi all you coffee lovers . . . Well, I don't drink coffee and I'm not usually snacking on raisins(more for the kiddos!)but these Java Raiz raisins are cool! I love their unique taste, BLENDED with the tasty AROMA of coffee and the PLUMP flavor of the Flame raisin!! Find 'em at, you'll love them!
thanks, chad

Renée said...

These raisins are great! I love coffee and I love raisins! I eat them in my salads, in my cereal, and just plain for a little snack. Thank you Java Raiz!