Thursday, January 10, 2013

CD-Gougers, I hate you!

This morning I weighed 220.0 pounds. Tomorrow I expect to weigh more.

I often listen to Books-on-CD: at home and in my car. I get them from our local library. The library has a privacy policy. It forgets who took anything out, once an item is returned. So there is no way to identify the SCUM OF THE EARTH who put their greasy fingers all over the CDs, rub lint into the grease, and score hideous gouges in the CDs.

The ideal CD book to take out of the library is a long, complex novel. Most listeners will give up before the end, so that the CDs become progressively cleaner and clearer. The worst book to take out, I think, is a gripping murder mystery. I can be sure that most people have finished it, getting progressively more agitated in their treatment of the last few CDs.

I wonder whether the gouges in the CDs are the fault of cheap, defective players. But I suspect that many borrowers take the CDs out of their sleeves and leave them lying around for young children and lovers of pliers and nail-files to play with.


JS said...

Perhaps the gouged CDs are an ingenious plot by the library to encourage reading books. said...

Excellent thought! This oarticular library just accidentally happened to move to a new home in which cell phones don't work. I see a pattern...