Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Some Conventions Must Die:

In last Sunday’s New York Times, there was a page with nine pictures and an accompanying story. A caption below the pictures attempted to describe who was in each picture. Perhaps you know how newspapers do this: counterclockwise from top left ...

A few of these pictures were arranged in what might fancifully be called a circle, but as for the rest, well, the caption got pretty complex. I lost all patience with their feeble who’s-which, and suddenly it struck me: perhaps, in this year 2011, it’s time for newspapers to admit that pictures are easy to edit! A number can be inserted into each picture, and then the caption can read 1: Joe Schmoo; 2: Joe and his older brother; 3: The elder Schmoos, etc...

Newspapers everywhere: Welcome to the late 20th century.

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